Umm, we’re here

My bad for not writing this sooner. We actually got to Tucson on Sunday afternoon, but we’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time to write. Some of you have been asking where we are, so that has prompted me to write the final chapter on this trip.

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From Eagle Crest, OR – Dad’s favorite place

Before I start writing about today, let me back up a bit. I did finally get through most of the boxes in Dad’s garage last Thursday and then I started focusing on the memorial service. Saturday night, I was up all night working on the slide presentation because I was having technical difficulties. First I tried to do it as slides, but then it stopped letting me add any more after the 13th slide. I had to scrap that and try to set it up as moving slides. I was still working on it when Mom got up at 5:30 in the morning!

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Fun week!

Last Thursday, I took our Jamaican daughters, Javier and Mackayla, to Jacksonport to see the sights and have dinner. Unfortunately, the smoke from the Canadian fires was so thick it gave me a scratchy throat and we couldn’t see much. This was at Cave Point County Park.
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From Salem, SD

This morning, as we were leaving western South Dakota, I was thinking that South Dakota must be so beautiful, I wouldn’t mind living there. I even looked up the median home price in comparison to other states, and it was less than Wisconsin or Arizona! But then we started heading across the rest of South Dakota, and it was mostly flat and dry. I didn’t take many pictures of the flat parts.

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From Hardin, MT

Going through Montana today reminded me of the train trip Mom and I took from Portland to Wisconsin several years ago. We were in a sleeper car, and a woman in the next room to us came to our door as we were crossing Montana and said, “Are we ever going to get out of Montana?” It seems to go on and on forever!

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From Deer Lodge, MT

We spent today in 3 different states: Washington, Idaho, and Montana. We planned a shorter day of driving, which was good because we were going through the Rockies today. Temperatures were still warm, probably in the upper 70s or low 80s.

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Thursday in OR

Mark suggested I spend my last night here at Mom’s house. If my pictures look different from usual, it’s because I can’t get into the internet on my laptop to use my usual editing program so I’m using one that comes with Mom’s computer. It doesn’t do all the things I’m used to being able to do, but it’s better than no pictures at all!

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Tuesday in Oregon

This morning, Mark had put a collar and leash on Tucson to take her out and do her thing, but she got spooked by something and wouldn’t go out. He left the collar and leash on her when he left to get Mom and told me not to take Tucson out before he got back. Mark took Mom to the DEQ to get her license, but the line was so long that Mom decided to try again tomorrow and get there before they open, so Mark headed back to get me.

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