From Redmond, OR to Rock Springs, WY in 2 days

Yesterday morning, Mark and I left Oregon and entered Idaho. At some point during the day, I had a setback that made me not feel like writing last night, so I’m combining 2 day’s worth of pictures in one post.

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The Chosen, Season 4, episodes 7 and 8

The week I was staying with Dad and Elaine, I asked my friend, Wendy, if she would like to go see the last 2 episodes of season 4 of The Chosen in the theater with me. I could tell from the way she answered that she would do it for me, but if she were choosing a movie, that wouldn’t be one she would choose. When I moved to Mom’s house, I told her that I was able to get around some with Mom’s car and she didn’t have to see the movie with me, but she said she would still do it. It turned out that the closest theater was only going to be showing it through tomorrow, so we decided this morning to go this afternoon.

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Fun week!

Last Thursday, I took our Jamaican daughters, Javier and Mackayla, to Jacksonport to see the sights and have dinner. Unfortunately, the smoke from the Canadian fires was so thick it gave me a scratchy throat and we couldn’t see much. This was at Cave Point County Park.
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A very full day

This morning, it occurred to me that we have kept studded tires for the pickup truck in my father’s garage for the last several years. Since we no longer have the truck, we should try to sell those. I talked with Mark, with Dad, and with Les Schwab where we bought the tires. Les Schwab won’t buy the tires back, but they did give me all the specs on them so we can try to sell them ourselves. That was only one of several pieces of business I had to take care of this morning.

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Date night

I got free tickets at work to see a play at the Peninsula Players Theater in Juddville this evening. Mark and I made a date of it. The play was Tally’s Folly and it was rather disappointing from what we’ve seen there before but the date was not spoiled by that fact. We enjoyed what came before the show.

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