Umm, we’re here

My bad for not writing this sooner. We actually got to Tucson on Sunday afternoon, but we’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time to write. Some of you have been asking where we are, so that has prompted me to write the final chapter on this trip.

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R.I.P. Kimba, part 2

I got Dobby in 2005, right before my divorce. The next May, I met Mark who had a big dog named Dolly. She would dance with him in the kitchen! I graduated from library school at the end of 2006 and planned to go to Mexico to volunteer for a year, so Mark said he would take Dobby until I returned from Mexico. My stay in Mexico only lasted a few months before I got deathly ill and had to come back. The day after I returned, around Easter in 2007, Mark and I sat with Dolly while she was being euthanized. She had a tumor and he had to have her put down.

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New to us

We have settled on the RV we found in Benson on our way to Tucson last Saturday. Monday, Mark called his credit union to see what kind of loan offer they could make and I called my credit union, the one we have for the RV we are still paying on, to find out what kind of offer they could make. Mine was still the better route to go.

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From Tucson; sorry for the delay!

We did manage to arrive in Tucson on Saturday afternoon. I was so excited to be getting close, I took lots of pictures and had to sort through them all yesterday, so I’m finally ready to report on what has been happening in the last few days!

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NW Community Friends Church – then and now

On May 10, 2010, an arsonist torched the NW Community Friends Church in Tucson, AZ. It is for this reason that the church lets us live behind the building when we are here. They are happy to have someone on the property at night to keep watch on things and they built several RV spots behind the church so that RVers could stay here.

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