Setting a record

I had COVID-19 and was off work all last week, so I was a little bit weak when I started back to work at the Welcome Center yesterday. Today was my day to work at the Noble House and it was raining, so there were two possibilities for how my day might go. It could either be quiet because no one was out in the rain, or it could be busy because everyone wanted to do something indoors. I was hoping it would be quiet.

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Supportive friends

I haven’t particularly felt any grief over the loss of my father; whether it’s because I left no unfinished business with him when I flew back to Tucson, whether it was because I knew when I left Oregon that I would probably never see him again and said my goodbyes then, or because I am in shock and it doesn’t seem real yet. But I have received a lot of support and condolences from my friends. Thank you to those of you who have sent me cards and condolences too!

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Two adventures in one day!

Traditionally, Mark and I go to Tombstone for his birthday on March 14th, but I wasn’t here then, so we went today. In the meantime, today was Lauryn’s first day with Dad. She had asked him where he’d like to go for a drive and he wanted to go to the Aviation and Space Center in McMinville, Oregon. They have the Spruce Goose there, the plane that Howard Hughes built. I’ll share pictures from both trips.

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