A whirlwind of activity

You may have noticed that you either get feast or famine from me. My mother called me last night and said that I hadn’t written in a while, and when I checked, it’s been nearly a month since my last blog. Usually, it’s because I haven’t had anything to report, but this time it’s because I’ve been too busy to write, so this might be a long blog.

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All God’s critters got a place in the choir…

First I’d like to say a word about my pastor, Nancy Bontempo.  She will be leaving in a week for a clinic in Chicago that does a combination of whole body and traditional treatment.  I believe she said she’d be there for five days while they have a team of therapists from different specialties examine her and ask her questions about her diet and exercise and mental attitude and such.  She will be staying with a friend who has offered to take her back and forth to her appointments, so she doesn’t have that kind of expense to worry about.  However, her insurance will only pay for any traditional therapy she gets.  She is attempting to raise $50,000 for the rest of her treatment and has started a GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/nancy-bontempo-fighting-breast-cancer?fbclid=IwAR13FnmbqhcqhgqZvqZc98yIDWGHzhHaHIs6gTkNG1REQw2Kri8rjXCojPI.  I don’t usually ask if my readers would like to help with things like this, but for her sake, I’ll make an exception.  If you could even contribute a dollar or two, it would be a help.  Thank you! Continue reading

Summer is finally here!

As of today, we have finally entered summer.  You may be thinking I’m off by a few days, but what I mean is that today we finally hit temperatures in the mid-70s.  Looking at the future forecast, it would appear that it will be in the 70s and 80s for the foreseeable future! Continue reading