Setting a record

I had COVID-19 and was off work all last week, so I was a little bit weak when I started back to work at the Welcome Center yesterday. Today was my day to work at the Noble House and it was raining, so there were two possibilities for how my day might go. It could either be quiet because no one was out in the rain, or it could be busy because everyone wanted to do something indoors. I was hoping it would be quiet.

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Too many J-1s?

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned that we now have a third J-1 daughter. Our first one was Kayla from Jamaica. Then we got Casie from Mongolia. Just recently, we got Aleksandra from Bulgaria. Tonight, all three of them were off work and asked if we could take them down to Walmart in Sturgeon Bay. We did that, and then we had an opportunity to take them to dinner and on a little tour.

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A whirlwind of activity

You may have noticed that you either get feast or famine from me. My mother called me last night and said that I hadn’t written in a while, and when I checked, it’s been nearly a month since my last blog. Usually, it’s because I haven’t had anything to report, but this time it’s because I’ve been too busy to write, so this might be a long blog.

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From Redmond, OR to Rock Springs, WY in 2 days

Yesterday morning, Mark and I left Oregon and entered Idaho. At some point during the day, I had a setback that made me not feel like writing last night, so I’m combining 2 day’s worth of pictures in one post.

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