Too many J-1s?

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned that we now have a third J-1 daughter. Our first one was Kayla from Jamaica. Then we got Casie from Mongolia. Just recently, we got Aleksandra from Bulgaria. Tonight, all three of them were off work and asked if we could take them down to Walmart in Sturgeon Bay. We did that, and then we had an opportunity to take them to dinner and on a little tour.

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From Redmond, OR to Rock Springs, WY in 2 days

Yesterday morning, Mark and I left Oregon and entered Idaho. At some point during the day, I had a setback that made me not feel like writing last night, so I’m combining 2 day’s worth of pictures in one post.

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From Eagle Crest, OR – Dad’s favorite place

Before I start writing about today, let me back up a bit. I did finally get through most of the boxes in Dad’s garage last Thursday and then I started focusing on the memorial service. Saturday night, I was up all night working on the slide presentation because I was having technical difficulties. First I tried to do it as slides, but then it stopped letting me add any more after the 13th slide. I had to scrap that and try to set it up as moving slides. I was still working on it when Mom got up at 5:30 in the morning!

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I’m doing a slide presentation!

I spent the whole day at Dad’s house going through pictures that I might be able to use for a slideshow presentation at his memorial service. It’s late and I need to get to bed, but I thought I might share a few of the more interesting ones.

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From King City and Estacada, OR

Well, we made it to our destination. However, Mark and Tucson are staying in the RV out at McIver State Park in Estacada and I’m staying with Mom for a few days. I have errands to run and things to do before Dad’s memorial service, and although Estacada is closer than Tucson, it’s not very convenient to the places I need to go.

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From Ashland, OR

Mark and I were eager to get out of the RV park at the casino this morning. I don’t think this was the case when we were there many years ago, but there were prickly things about the size of pea gravel all over the ground. If we went out with our shoes on, the shoe soles would be covered in them when we got back to the RV. We would try to clean off the soles of our shoes and still, some would get tracked into the RV, and if we stepped on them with bare feet, it was very painful. When Mark had to take Tucson out to do her thing, she would be limping before walking very far. I’m sure that the Grand Sierra Resort is a great place to stay if you’re in the hotel, but I don’t recommend it if you have pets in the RV parking lot.

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From Reno, NV

Today I dressed a little cooler than I did yesterday, and wouldn’t you know it, it was only in the 70’s! We also got a little later start this morning than we did yesterday, but fortunately, my sister reminded me that we don’t have to be in Oregon until Wednesday. We were thinking of pushing to get there tomorrow.

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