Too many J-1s?

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned that we now have a third J-1 daughter. Our first one was Kayla from Jamaica. Then we got Casie from Mongolia. Just recently, we got Aleksandra from Bulgaria. Tonight, all three of them were off work and asked if we could take them down to Walmart in Sturgeon Bay. We did that, and then we had an opportunity to take them to dinner and on a little tour.

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A whirlwind of activity

You may have noticed that you either get feast or famine from me. My mother called me last night and said that I hadn’t written in a while, and when I checked, it’s been nearly a month since my last blog. Usually, it’s because I haven’t had anything to report, but this time it’s because I’ve been too busy to write, so this might be a long blog.

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Midwest storms

You probably thought you’d never hear from me again, didn’t you? I’m sorry it’s been so long – over a month – since I last wrote. I’ve been doing a lot of sewing in my free time, but my son inspired me with an idea to write about!

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Introduction to our new daughters

We were waiting to be assigned a couple of J-1 students, some have yet to arrive, when I went to Piggly Wiggly and started a conversation with my Jamaican cashier. I asked if she was signed up for an American Connection family and she said she had just registered but she didn’t know what it was about. I explained what American Connection families do for the students who arrived here, and she asked if we’d be her family.

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Help wanted!

The main industry in Door County is tourism. New businesses are opening all the time, and they all need workers. Back in the day, students came up to work for the summer, but that source of help began to dry up, so businesses in Door County turned to other nations. They get J-1 students from other countries to come and work. The employers offer employee housing and often bicycles so that the students can get to and from work and around town.

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A substitute for Bridges

Because they didn’t think there’d be any J-1 students (foreign exchange) coming over this year, the leaders of the Bridges program that always planned fun activities for the young people didn’t plan anything for this year. When I wrote to them and told them that my kids were coming, Janet, the wife of the leadership team (along with Ken – The Bicycle Man), invited us to bring them to their church youth group activities. Tonight was the first one for our “daughters”.

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Autumn, when everything begins to settle down!

This weekend has been Fall Fest in Sister Bay, a time when all the locals know better than to try to go anywhere near Sister Bay.  Today was my last official day at the Noble House for this season.  Now that Fall Fest is over, things are winding down.  I want to treat you to some of our fall colors… Continue reading