About Denise Fuller

I live with my husband, my two cats (Dobby and Kimba), and a dog (Tucson) in a 32' RV. We travel around the country as Workampers. These are our adventures...


Yesterday, Mark went to the VA first thing in the morning to get his free hearing aids for tinnitus. Then he took me up to Hearing & Brain Centers of America in Paradise Valley to have mine adjusted. I have a new doctor who will be working with me now and he took my hearing aids to the second level. Wow!

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Hearing and the brain

Last month, Mark learned about a place that could help with tinnitus. The place’s name is Hearing and Brain Centers of America and it’s up north of Phoenix. He’s had tinnitus constantly for many years, so he went in and got tested and found he has Stage 2 hearing loss. They said that tinnitus comes from the brain, not from your hearing, and that it can also lead to Alzheimer’s and dementia. He was given something that is kind of like a hearing aid, only not. They set it at the lowest setting and told him to return in a week for an adjustment.

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Merry Christmas, Everybody!

From our RV to your house, Merry Christmas!

I did a couple of readings at my church’s Christmas Eve service this evening. If you’d be interested in hearing th, I do a scripture reading right at the beginning (and there’s a glitch you have to click past), and then Dale reads the Christmas story from Luke 2. After that, I read Paul Harvey’s Christmas story, “The Man and the Birds”. Enjoy!

Umm, we’re here

My bad for not writing this sooner. We actually got to Tucson on Sunday afternoon, but we’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time to write. Some of you have been asking where we are, so that has prompted me to write the final chapter on this trip.

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