I thought the bathroom remodel would be finished last weekend, but there are still some small details to add, so hopefully it will be done this coming weekend.

Sometimes when you live with something for a few days, you realize it doesn’t work. I had Zak build this cabinet and I thought the cubby hole in the back would be good for the waste basket, but I found it was too hard to reach back there. Also, having the toilet paper holder pointing outward like this made it difficult to get the toilet paper off.

So I moved the toilet brush into the cubby neatly out of sight and put the wastebasket on the other side of the toilet where it’s much easier to reach. Also, this position for the toilet paper holder works much better!

Last week, the shelves over the water heater box were bare-edged.

Now they have beautiful wood trim on the edges. Also, the matching baseboards are in. I don’t know what I’m going to do with all those shelves now!

In this picture, the door had already been varnished on one side, but now it’s varnished on the other side too and we have the trim around the door.

This is an older picture, but we didn’t have the trim around the window at this point.

Now we have trim around the window and plastic quarter-round edging at the base of the shower. We also have our new towel bars up where I can finally display the new towels and rug I bought to match! What’s left is just small stuff.
So last Sunday night, I started feeling a sore throat coming on and I went to work with it for a couple of hours in the morning, but then it got so bad I had to go home. By that evening, I had a headache, so Tuesday morning, Mark got a Covid test kit at the pharmacy and I tested positive. I’m on medication now and finally feel like I’m in the land of the living.
Our Turkish daughter, Rukiye, had her birthday yesterday and I couldn’t celebrate with her, but Mark went outside her RV and sang Happy Birthday to her. A friend of hers had sent a gift to our address which we were holding until her birthday, and I had a gift for her, so Mark delivered those to her when she opened her door to hear him serenading her. The weather is finally nice enough that the bedroom window was open and I was able to hear him singing. He really put gusto into that song!