A whirlwind of activity

You may have noticed that you either get feast or famine from me. My mother called me last night and said that I hadn’t written in a while, and when I checked, it’s been nearly a month since my last blog. Usually, it’s because I haven’t had anything to report, but this time it’s because I’ve been too busy to write, so this might be a long blog.

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R.I.P. Kimba, part 2

I got Dobby in 2005, right before my divorce. The next May, I met Mark who had a big dog named Dolly. She would dance with him in the kitchen! I graduated from library school at the end of 2006 and planned to go to Mexico to volunteer for a year, so Mark said he would take Dobby until I returned from Mexico. My stay in Mexico only lasted a few months before I got deathly ill and had to come back. The day after I returned, around Easter in 2007, Mark and I sat with Dolly while she was being euthanized. She had a tumor and he had to have her put down.

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New to us

We have settled on the RV we found in Benson on our way to Tucson last Saturday. Monday, Mark called his credit union to see what kind of loan offer they could make and I called my credit union, the one we have for the RV we are still paying on, to find out what kind of offer they could make. Mine was still the better route to go.

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Honey, I’m ho-ome!

I went to church this morning and asked for prayer for Mark’s last day on the road. All afternoon, Tucson seemed kind of antsy, like she knew he was supposed to be arriving today. Both of us were listening every time we heard a motorcycle. Finally, this evening after 5:30 we were outside waiting for what we knew had to come at any time, and we were rewarded with the sound of a motorcycle turning into the church parking lot. When Mark rounded the corner of the church, I squealed and skipped over to him with my arms open wide! Tucson ran to him too, but I beat her there!

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My son’s remodel

Yesterday, Mom and I went over to my son’s (Jamey’s) house to see what he and Sage had done to it in 2019. Due to Covid, we weren’t able to see it when I was here last year. In fact, Jamey hasn’t been to a barber since Covid hit and I was surprised (pleasantly so!) to see that he has grown a ponytail and it’s curly like my hair!

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