From Redmond, OR to Rock Springs, WY in 2 days

Yesterday morning, Mark and I left Oregon and entered Idaho. At some point during the day, I had a setback that made me not feel like writing last night, so I’m combining 2 day’s worth of pictures in one post.

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Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

We woke up to snow today and Mark, Tucson, and I went for a walk to beautiful downtown Ellison Bay a block from our house. As long as I was out, I took the opportunity to take a bunch of pictures. It reminded me of the poem by Robert Frost, one of my favorites, that I’d like to share with you…

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Tubac, AZ

This morning at 7:00 sharp, Mark and I were awakened by a trumpet playing Revelie. For a moment, Mark was confused until I reminded him that we are camping at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base.

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Lincoln, the Civil War, and Embalming

My boss at the Noble House back in Door County is putting together the spring newsletter, and she asked me to write an article for it. Our tour this summer is going to be A House In Mourning: Victorian Funerals so she gave me the assignment of writing about embalming during the Civil War. Spoiler alert: If you are squeamish, this might not be a good article for you to read!

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From Lincoln, NE

This morning, Mark and Tucson and I walked around the park we found ourselves in when we woke up. I had hoped we were on the edge of the Mississippi River so that I could dabble my toes in it, but we couldn’t get close to the river due to Mud Lake being in the way. However, the pictures I got were the only ones I got today, so enjoy…

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My sister, Lauryn, has turned me on to a book called The Sacred Romance: Drawing Closer to the Heart of God by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge. I was reading this afternoon and one of the authors was talking about his grandfather taking him “visiting” on Sunday afternoons when he was young. My grandmother used to do the same with my sisters and me. I wonder, does anyone else have such fond memories of a bygone pastime?

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Kind of a shock to the system

Everything has been up in the air for us regarding our trip to Oregon for the next couple of months.  My brother-in-law has been living in adult foster care most of this year, so we’re not sure where we will be living.  But today, we got more unsettling news… Continue reading