Well, we made it to our destination. However, Mark and Tucson are staying in the RV out at McIver State Park in Estacada and I’m staying with Mom for a few days. I have errands to run and things to do before Dad’s memorial service, and although Estacada is closer than Tucson, it’s not very convenient to the places I need to go.
Mark let me sleep in this morning. It was lovely!
We were still at a pretty high altitude when we started this morning.Smith Hill Summit: Elevation 1730 – Not quite as high as yesterday, but I still had to chew gum once or twice for my ears.6% downgrade – That means we need to ride on the brakes for a while!Green grass!Sunshine on the water looks so lovely!We stopped at a rest stop, so I took some pictures while standing still!This is why I spend more time shooting pictures out of my window or Mark’s. When I shoot pictures out of the windshield, I usually have a lot of work to do to clean up the picture, but this time I decided to show what it’s really like. This was around Springfield, farm country south of Eugene, and the bugs were hitting the window so fast it almost sounded like rain.
I have a friend named Jodi who lives west of Springfield. I’ve known her since Jamey was first learning how to read. We used to live in the same apartment building together, so we often spent time in one apartment or another. Jodi and Jamey used to have this thing they did where they tossed winks at each other and caught them with their eyes. It’s hard to explain, but it looked like they were tossing a ball without using their hands. So as we were driving through Springfield, I texted Jodi and asked her to toss us a wink. She said she tossed us two winks!
The southbound rest stop on I-5 is on a piece of land bought from my uncle who had a farm there before.As you pass the truck stop, you can see what remains of my uncle’s farm.For you sports fans, Eugene is where the U of O is. I think they’re the Ducks. I’m not a big sports fan, sorry!Whenever we pass a tanker truck, Mark asks me to take a selfie of us. I didn’t have time to open the screen to take this picture, but if you look carefully, you can see our RV reflected in the shiny metal.Back amongst the tall pines!This was at the rest stop where Mark unhitched the car and we went our separate ways.That’s Mark up ahead with an empty trailer hitch. Mom was waiting for me when I arrived. This is her front courtyard in bloom!Other houses in King City also have colorful patches of flowers blooming right now.I love all the colors here!