Well, we made it to our destination. However, Mark and Tucson are staying in the RV out at McIver State Park in Estacada and I’m staying with Mom for a few days. I have errands to run and things to do before Dad’s memorial service, and although Estacada is closer than Tucson, it’s not very convenient to the places I need to go.
Mark let me sleep in this morning. It was lovely!
I have a friend named Jodi who lives west of Springfield. I’ve known her since Jamey was first learning how to read. We used to live in the same apartment building together, so we often spent time in one apartment or another. Jodi and Jamey used to have this thing they did where they tossed winks at each other and caught them with their eyes. It’s hard to explain, but it looked like they were tossing a ball without using their hands. So as we were driving through Springfield, I texted Jodi and asked her to toss us a wink. She said she tossed us two winks!