This morning was the highlight of the whole day. We met a second cousin of mine, Andrea Brim, for breakfast. She suggested we meet at the restaurant on the top floor of IKEA. I hadn’t realized they had restaurants in IKEA stores, but it was a cafeteria style place where you could buy a plate full of breakfast for $1!
Here are the pictures from today:

Going up the escalator, I noticed I could see our RV through the windows. We parked in the back forty so as not to take up room for the cars.

My first view of Andrea. I wasn’t sure if it was her because I’ve only seen her in pictures, but she knew me from my pictures and waved.
After Andrea left Mark and I looked around the store for a desk. Just getting ideas; not buying yet. We keep trying to figure out how to make this RV work better for us and Mark is thinking maybe we could take the couch out and put a desk in. Hmmm…But then where would we put the stuff we’re storing under the couch?
One thing I forgot to mention last night was the toll roads. We ended up paying three tolls just getting to our campsite last night, and then we got on another one on our way to breakfast this morning. When we left I was determined to find a route out of the Chicago area that we didn’t have to pay for so I directed Mark using our road atlas. We finally got back to free roads.

…and windy. We had a pretty strong wind hitting us most of the day. I bet these windmills produce lots of energy!

After a five hour drive, we arrived at the KOA in Granite City, which is just across the border from St. Louis, MO. I had hoped we’d have time to go over and see the arch since all we got to do on our way north was drive by it, but it was dusk when we arrived and we were tired.
Maybe I’ll get a picture of the arch as we drive by in the morning.