Supportive friends

I haven’t particularly felt any grief over the loss of my father; whether it’s because I left no unfinished business with him when I flew back to Tucson, whether it was because I knew when I left Oregon that I would probably never see him again and said my goodbyes then, or because I am in shock and it doesn’t seem real yet. But I have received a lot of support and condolences from my friends. Thank you to those of you who have sent me cards and condolences too!

Last week, Mark and I went somewhere, and when we got home, there was a gift for me on the steps of our RV. It was a bag with 4 books in envelopes and an unsigned card from the church. I made a lucky guess as to who in the church had left it for me and thanked her.

The books are supposed to be read at certain times throughout the year from the day Dad died. I opened the one for mid-April and read it yesterday.

Then at my quilt group yesterday, one of the women brought me a gift she had made.

In the pockets of this pillow are a book called Fear Not: Prayers & Promises for Difficult Times, a pretty notepad, a tube of little peanut butter M&Ms, and 2 pretty pens!

Today, I started looking through this book and thought of my friend, Serenity. She called this morning to say that she got a bad health report from her doctor. If those of you who pray could join me in prayer for Serenity, I believe it would help. She approved me mentioning this and said she could use all the prayer she can get!

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