Last time, I left you with an image of our pantry and food all over the floor. Mark worked hard to rebuild it.

Finally, we had everything pretty much ready to go this morning. While Mark was putting the tow dolly on the back of the RV and the car on the tow dolly, Tucson and I said our goodbyes.

We left the church just after noon.

There was a pickup truck fire that had the freeway creeping along for about 45 minutes. As we passed it, we were reminded of our truck fire in 2021!

At one of the rest stops we stopped at, Mark took Tucson out to do her thing while I went to the restroom. When I came back, he told me that they had done their good deed for the day. He pointed to a car in the parking lot and said that the driver had approached him and said that her dogs had locked her out of the car. She wondered if Tucson could get them excited enough to unlock the door again. Mark took Tucson up to the car and encouraged her to put her paws up on the window. She got so excited that she was jumping and that made the dogs inside jump and eventually they hit the door lock so that the woman could get in. Good girl, Tucson!

I had a migraine from the heat of the day (our dashboard air conditioner isn’t working). We were tired and I was hungry in spite of snacking all day when we pulled into the KOA. It was after 9:00 and the office was closed, but there was a kindly man standing outside the office who introduced himself as the night host. He checked us into a pull-through site with full hookup and a dog run just across the driveway from us. We were so happy to be able to stop and hook up so that we could run the house air conditioning! I had a late dinner while Mark started with dessert. My headache is much better.
The trick to unlock the door is incredible! Good job, Tucson!!!