This morning, as we were leaving western South Dakota, I was thinking that South Dakota must be so beautiful, I wouldn’t mind living there. I even looked up the median home price in comparison to other states, and it was less than Wisconsin or Arizona! But then we started heading across the rest of South Dakota, and it was mostly flat and dry. I didn’t take many pictures of the flat parts.

We had both of our GPSs set for the Dakota Sunset Campground today. We have found that our GPSs often disagree on the best route to take, and mine is generally shorter and more accurate. When we got into Salem, SD this evening, our GPSs took us to 2 different locations and said we had arrived, but we couldn’t see a campground anywhere. I ended up calling the park owner and she talked us through how to get there. Turns out that when my GPS said we had arrived, we looked to the right and saw only a farm field. Had we turned our heads to the left, we would have seen the campground. His GPS took us into a residential neighborhood in town. The campground owner was waiting for us when we got there. She was very nice and she handed me a baggie with 3 cookies in it. She said it came from the local bakery which she tries to support by buying cookies for all the campers.
She started asking me questions about Tucson and told me that there is an open area in the back where Tucson could run free if she’s the type of dog that will come when called because there’s no fence around it. Mark took Tucson out there as soon as the RV was set up and he says she loved it!
They also have a laundry room that is open 24 hours a day. That was a blessing because I was running out of clothes! The park is quiet and has some nice trees in it and we got a 15% discount for the night because I used their code word. All-in-all, I really like this park!