Quilt workshop, and elections

Back before I flew out to Oregon in September, I signed up to participate in a quilt workshop put on by the Trillium Quilt Guild today.  When I thought I was going to be staying in Oregon, I canceled my registration for the workshop.  Then when Sherill died and I returned, I asked if there was still room for me and I was told yes, so I got to spend today being creative. Continue reading

Family property

Mark and I didn’t set out until mid-afternoon today, and we stopped first at the quilt shop just up the road from our RV campground.  The woman in the shop has lived in both the St Petersburg area of Florida and in Door County, WI, so she was familiar with where we’ve been and where we are going.  It’s a small world! Continue reading

The circus and the open house

I have been so busy of late that I haven’t had time to write about all the things I’ve been busy doing, so I’m going to remedy that now.  And because I haven’t had a working camera, the photos are courtesy of Mark.  This is a long one, but there is an offer at the end that you aren’t going to want to miss!

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MCC and Gettysburg

This morning Mark and I headed to Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) where Sue was going to show us around.  On our way, we noticed that many on the homes had clothes hanging on clotheslines.  Apparently, Mondays are wash days. Continue reading

So begin the goodbyes…

Today was Mark’s last day of work here at the Los Altos Rod & Gun Club.  We now have two weeks to pack up and hit the road.  It’s somewhat bittersweet for me.  I’m excited about my new job coming up in March and seeing my family and Oregon friends before that, but I have made some really good friends here that I hate to say goodbye to. Continue reading