Mark’s progress: Sturgeon Bay, WI!

This has to be quick because I need to get to bed, but I talked with Mark this evening and he is in Sturgeon Bay.  He’s hooked up to the milk house of a couple from my church there in Sturgeon Bay who invited him to stay on their property for a couple weeks.  He says they have horses, goats, and chickens, and the cats are fascinated!  He sent me a picture with a joyous message: Continue reading

Christmas 2016

So much to do, so little time!  We wanted to go to the Christmas Eve service at church last night, but we were busy doing our last minute shopping and wrapping for each other after spending a day catching up on laundry and trying to get ready for Monday.  We wanted to go to the Christmas day service this morning, but we were getting dressed, having breakfast, and opening our presents before going over to my older sister’s house for Christmas dinner.  We had to leave her place early to continue getting ready for our big moves tomorrow.  Still, we read the Christmas story and listened to “real” Christmas carols about Christ’s birth.  It was a good day.

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In the midst of a remodel and stuff

Mom reminded me today that it’s been a while since I’ve written.  First of all, we’ve been in the midst of a remodel, and that being so, we haven’t gotten out much.  However, I thought you might be interested to see what we’ve been working on.

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From South Haven, MI

We left the Indianapolis area this morning, and instead of traveling on the freeway, we took US-31 north past Kokomo and South Bend.  On this route we were traveling through more rural settings and it was peaceful. Continue reading

From St Augustine, FL

There’s an interesting story about how we happen to be in St Augustine, FL tonight.  When we arrived in Edisto Island, SC and they were confirming the length of our stay there, it occurred to me that I hadn’t made a reservation to be anywhere on this evening.  Somehow in my planning for this trip I had missed this one night.   Continue reading