There’s an interesting story about how we happen to be in St Augustine, FL tonight. When we arrived in Edisto Island, SC and they were confirming the length of our stay there, it occurred to me that I hadn’t made a reservation to be anywhere on this evening. Somehow in my planning for this trip I had missed this one night.
We had planned to be in St Augustine tomorrow for one night, but my sister, Sherill, and my dad both told me we needed to spend a day, at least, looking around St Augustine. So when I discovered I had no plans for tonight, I scheduled us here for tonight as well. That gives us all day tomorrow to do some exploration.
Our trip was fairly uneventful. We had traveled this route already on our way to spend Thanksgiving with my cousin, Steve, but this time instead of driving right through Jacksonville, we took the belt loop around it. That gave us a small change of scenery as we crossed over a bridge and saw Jacksonville in the distance.

Without saying anything for or against Islam, I still admire the architecture of their domes. I darkened this photo to hide the water streaks on my window.
We arrived at our campground, which is south of St Augustine, around mid-afternoon.