Kader’s and Zak’s wedding

I took so many pictures last weekend that I was still processing them through last night, so I’m finally getting around to writing a post about it. As you probably already know, my dad fell and broke a vertebra in his neck, so I’m worried about him, but we did have a good weekend with Kader and Zak and I want to honor them with this blog.

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Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

We woke up to snow today and Mark, Tucson, and I went for a walk to beautiful downtown Ellison Bay a block from our house. As long as I was out, I took the opportunity to take a bunch of pictures. It reminded me of the poem by Robert Frost, one of my favorites, that I’d like to share with you…

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Bridal shower

As a refresher, let me tell you about my Turkish daughter, Kader. We met her 4 or 5 years ago through a Bridges program put together by the churches in northern Door County. J-1 students come here to work for the summer and their employers provide housing and a bicycle for getting around. The churches decided to pair them up with Christian families who could take them around Door County, invite them over for dinner, or take them to Bridges events that are planned to give the students a chance to meet each other and do something fun.

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Fun week!

Last Thursday, I took our Jamaican daughters, Javier and Mackayla, to Jacksonport to see the sights and have dinner. Unfortunately, the smoke from the Canadian fires was so thick it gave me a scratchy throat and we couldn’t see much. This was at Cave Point County Park.
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