Time with family

My sister and her family have been staying at Mom’s house, although Rob has had a bad cold for the last few days and hasn’t been able to do much. But I’ve gotten to do some things with my sister, Lauryn, and my nephew, Nate, as well as Mom.

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My son’s remodel

Yesterday, Mom and I went over to my son’s (Jamey’s) house to see what he and Sage had done to it in 2019. Due to Covid, we weren’t able to see it when I was here last year. In fact, Jamey hasn’t been to a barber since Covid hit and I was surprised (pleasantly so!) to see that he has grown a ponytail and it’s curly like my hair!

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2nd Sunday of Advent

This morning, I went with Mom to Rise Community Church again. The sermon was about John the Baptist preparing the way for Christ. John had an unusual style of preaching. He called his listeners a brood of vipers and said that the axe was ready to cut down the tree to be burned, but since it had been 400 years since the last prophet, people flocked to John to find out what they needed to do to be prepared for the coming Messiah. The answer was that they needed a change of heart, and that’s what we need too.

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A coat for Tucson

On our way out here, Mark noticed a couple of times that Tucson was shivering with cold. He said he’d like to get a coat for her, so I’ve been looking. A week or two ago, I found a dog coat that was labeled Extra-Large, but when we tried to put it on her, it was too small. I thought I was going to have to make her a dog coat, so I went to Goodwill today to look for something I could adapt.

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