Mark’s progress: Goshen, IN

It was a dark and stormy night when I reached Mark… for him, not me.  He was still driving and he was near Lake Michigan after having crossed two and a half states.  Every so often he’d say, “Wow!” and I’d know there had been another massive lightning strike like you only get in the Midwest. Continue reading

Mark’s progress: Manchester, TN

Mark spoke to me from Manchester, TN this evening.  He said he has finally gotten into cold weather.  I asked him if he had any stories to report and he said that at one point today, traffic was so packed together that the trailer of a semi bumped and scratched the housing for one of his side mirrors.  That’s pretty tight! Continue reading

God’s provision for us

We went to my church, Community Friends Church, yesterday.  In the “programmed” Friends meetings, there is a time for open worship.  This is a designated five or ten minute period of silence where people can talk about what God is doing in their lives, ask for prayer, read a passage of scripture, sing, or whatever they feel moved by the Spirit to do.  So I shared about coming to the point of thanking God that we won’t be able to come back to Wagon Trail Campground next year and that my life is in upheaval and I don’t know what He’s doing, but deciding to trust Him. Continue reading

The Sound of Music

On April 29, 2015, Mark and I were driving to Wagon Trail Campground for the first time.  We were a little bit scared.  We had had a number of Workamping jobs where either the boss didn’t like us or our co-workers didn’t like us or both.  We prayed as we passed the Welcome to Door County sign that this would be a good situation for us.  God surpassed all that we could think or imagine.  Wagon Trail Campground is gorgeous, as you well know from my blogs and pictures, and our bosses and co-workers have become like family.  I thought we’d be coming back here for as long as our bodies could hold up. Continue reading

A new forwarding address

A number of you sent us Christmas cards that we haven’t received yet.  We have been using the UPS Store in Bellingham, WA as our forwarding address for nearly a year.  Problem is, they weren’t forwarding our mail to us.  In the year, we might have gotten four or five mailings, if that.  I could never reach them by phone, and I could seldom reach them by email.  It has been a very frustrating experience. Continue reading

Back from Minett, Ontario, Canada

We drove into Canada yesterday and lost touch with the rest of North America.  Our GPS didn’t work, nor did our cell phone or our hot spot, so I have a couple days worth to report tonight.  I’m warning you this might be long because we saw a lot!

Continue reading

From Paducah, KY

I haven’t mentioned that everywhere we stop to spend the night, we’ve been leaving RVIC (RV Inspection Connection) brochures.  This morning I left a couple in the office where we were staying and the owner of the campground said she has a son that is working at Home Depot that she needs to be able to get back working in the campground.  She said maybe he could learn to do RV inspections, so I went back to our RV and got a brochure for her to show him on how to become an RV inspector.  I hope he does get the training.  Steve and Coop need more inspectors. Continue reading