On our last day of work, as we were driving away, Mark and I had an impulse to stop at the beet pile where we almost got smished by the boom and toss our helmets as high as we could. It was like tossing your graduation cap after spending several years of hard study. It was like saying, “We were here!” Continue reading
Tag Archives: Sidney Sugar
We survived!
Today was our last day of work!!! So few farms were bringing beets in that Todd asked if there were any volunteers who would like to be done today. Mark and I were the first to respond. We volunteered yesterday, so today we were counting the hours. We don’t have to set the alarm for 5:00 tomorrow. Yay! Continue reading
What a day!!!
I messed up. I woke up tired this morning; so much so that I couldn’t walk straight. I guess I missed a couple tare samples today. By lunch time I was in tears. I came back after lunch, but it became apparent to my supervisors that I was a zombie. One of them practically carried me back to my car and told me to take a nap. I guess I slept for about two hours and felt somewhat better when I woke up, but they didn’t want me back. Continue reading
This is the day which the Lord has made…
I’m almost too pooped to write anything but a few highlights… Continue reading
Rain, rain, go away…
This morning it was raining when we got up at 5:00, but we got dressed and had breakfast. Then we called to see if we were working. There was a message asking us to check back at 8:00, so we went back to bed for a while longer. When we called back at 7:45 the message said to come in at 8:30. Continue reading
Work assignments
This morning Mark and I drove down to Savage for our orientation with Sidney Sugar. We met on site at the field where we’ll be working. I had thought that everyone who came to Sidney would be sent to this work area, but apparently there are three sites near Sidney. There were only a handful of us in Savage. Continue reading
How I spent my day…
Thursdays are honey wagon day. The honey wagon is a truck that goes around and collects everything from our holding tanks since we have no sewer connections. The truck they sent around was so small it had to make several trips to empty and refill. Continue reading