On our last day of work, as we were driving away, Mark and I had an impulse to stop at the beet pile where we almost got smished by the boom and toss our helmets as high as we could. It was like tossing your graduation cap after spending several years of hard study. It was like saying, “We were here!” Continue reading
Tag Archives: Express Employment Professionals
First day at Pleasant View
After our experience at Savage, I’m sure some of you were questioning our sanity for agreeing to do the same things somewhere else. All I know is that before we heard from Steve yesterday that we could come to this new site, I was praying that if we got the job God would let there be nice people to work with there and that I’d have the strength to do it. I think God answered my prayer. Continue reading
From Glendive, MT
This morning we caught Steve, the representative from Express Employment Professionals, and had a long talk with him. We told him what happened yesterday and the problems we were having and asked him if we could work in the lab. He said they just hired two young guys yesterday to work in the lab and we asked if they might be willing to trade. He said he’d check on it, and if not he wondered if we’d be willing to switch to another piler yard that would be no more than twelve hours. We were hesitant. Continue reading
Express Employment orientation
This morning the camp host here at the fairgrounds came over and had us fill out and sign a bunch of paperwork for Express Employment. Then she told us to go to the hotel where they set up the orientation. Continue reading