Galveston, Oh Galveston!

Yesterday Mark and I left the San Antonio area and spent the night in Port Aransas, an island just off the coast of Corpus Christi.  It was a typical beach town, but we were in a tightly packed RV park away from the beach.  I was uninspired there, but I took a few pictures.  Continue reading

From Valdez, AK, Part 2

One of the perks of working for Rose and Mike is that they are friends with Stan Stephens and his family.  Stan Stephens started a successful cruise ship business a number of years ago, and then he tried to sell it.  The folks he sold it to couldn’t make a go of it, so he got the business back.  Now his kids run it.  Since our boss is friends with them, they let workers at Tok RV Village take the cruise for free.  We’re taking an extra day off work this week for this trip, and today we got to go on the cruise. Continue reading

From Valdez, AK

Yes, you read that right!  We’re in Valdez: famous for the Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989 and the Valdez earthquake of 1964.  We had intended to go to church this morning, but it was canceled, apparently due to lack of interest.  That meant we were able to make an earlier start than we had anticipated.  We left Tok at 1:00 and arrived in Valdez around 7:00, having made a stop in Glennallen for dinner at 4:00.  I’ll tell more about what we’re doing here tomorrow, but for now I have pictures to share: Continue reading