Last night several of us class members initiated a new fire ring Mark and I got and roasted marshmallows. We stayed up late talking, and then this morning everyone helped each other get ready to leave. Ricky and Mike helped Mark load his Harley into the truck and then we said our goodbyes to them. Lance drove by and wished us luck in our business and safety in our travels. Then I went over to Bob and Sally’s RV and knocked on the door. Bob came out and chatted with us for a while. He said he would recommend all of us to RVIC if we all wanted to contract with them. After all the goodbyes, we hit the road. Continue reading
Tag Archives: training
Making the most of the day
I have heard it said that if you waste time you can’t get it back. We learned something similar in class this morning, but I’ll get to that in a moment. Continue reading
First day of school
This morning I went with Mark to the first session of his class. When I said the RV and Workamper News car belonged to Terry Cooper, I was wrong. They belong to the president of, Steve Anderson. Terry Cooper and his wife, whom everyone calls Lady E, are in a fifth wheel right next to Steve and his wife. Continue reading
Things are afoot – #2
I’m building up to a big announcement on the 4th of July, and I thought the first clue was going to be somewhat difficult, but we have a winner. I said the place was named for “The Cats” in Spanish, and Delores Warner guessed Los Gatos, CA. Congratulations, Delores! There are other places named Los Gatos, so to have gotten the right state was Continue reading