I have heard it said that if you waste time you can’t get it back. We learned something similar in class this morning, but I’ll get to that in a moment.
When Mark and I first walked up to the lodge where the class is taught, everyone was locked out. Steve admitted that he hadn’t checked yesterday to confirm that it would be open at 7:00. I took the opportunity to take a picture of everyone on the steps. Not long after this picture was taken, someone came to open the doors for us.
Here’s a picture of Steve Anderson, our business teacher and the president of Workamper.com. It came out today that he and Coop (Terry Cooper who teaches the mechanical part of the class) are both Christians. I am more and more impressed with this organization that Mark and I joined a couple years ago!
In class this morning, Steve was talking about sharing our story in light of the positive, growing elements that made us what we are today. Apparently misery doesn’t love company. He talked about wants and needs and said if you always live in “needs” mode, you will end up becoming miserly. If you want to achieve your “wants” you have to develop a plan to get there. This is where the earlier quote comes in. He said that 20% of what we spend our time on will produce 80% of our results. We should focus on the things that get results.
I was inspired when I returned home. I began setting the timer on the microwave for an hour at a time. I allowed myself an hour to check my e-mails. Then I spent an hour doing housework. (Doing it for a limited amount of time helped me get more done.) By then it was 11:30 so I set the timer for an hour and a half to fix lunch and enjoy time with Mark.
As soon as we finished eating, a man came with the glass that was supposed to replace Mark’s side window from the time it got shattered. Unfortunately, the glass the insurance company sent him was the wrong shape for our window. We’ve been waiting weeks for this window replacement. Now they’ll have to re-order the right window and it will take another four to six weeks. The repair man was not a happy camper. By the time the new window arrives, we’ll be in Kerrville and someone else will get to install it.
After lunch, Mark and the others in Coop’s class went to their RVs and began practicing what they’ve been learning about testing everything electrical in the RV. According to Mark’s results, our RV is doing very well electrically!
I did some things that needed taking care of and then I gave myself an hour for a walk around this park. When I took my last walk around here, I had only scratched the surface. I have since studied the map of the park and discovered there is a levee walk that is fairly long. I took my camera and found more pictures to take. Here they are:
Finally, in class this morning Steve showed a video of a man named Mark J Kohler who is a lawyer and a CPA. I think he’s also a Christian. He talked about setting up an LLC or an S-Corp. He’s also written a couple books and we were given one of them in class this morning: What your CPA isn’t telling you: Life changing tax strategies. We were assigned to read Appendix D and E at the back of the book, so I spent my last hour before Mark came home for dinner doing that.