With Mark using the truck for work every day and my friends now working, I have maybe a week to a week and a half to be a housewife before my job starts (hopefully).
The dining room table we got was covered with fuzz and glitter when we bought it. Today I used a sanding block to try to get all that off. I got down below the finish and the glitter is still there. My theory is that the table was a Christmas display gone bad. I think someone set up a display on it with cotton and glitter for snow and it stuck. I wore my fingernails down to the quick trying to sand that all off. Now I have some patches on the table that are lighter than others. Mark suggested I try to sand the darker parts of the table top to match the lighter parts and then we can re-stain it. Tomorrow I’ll wear gloves!
The stuff I got off the table left dark spots on the floor because it stuck when I stepped on it, so I tried sweeping it, but it was too stuck to come up. I tried mopping it and that helped some, but not enough. I finally had to get down on my hands and knees to scrape it off. Maybe I should put paper under the table tomorrow. I have a tendency to just want to get into a project without preparing for it.
After finally cleaning up all that mess, I began working on some other projects. I sewed a pillow cover over a small square pillow form. I want to turn the ledge on the bump out window in the living room into a window seat and I think this little pillow will look nice leaned up against the window.
Then I turned my attention to the guest bedroom. I got a Door County wall hanging for the room, and Mark helped me hang it when he came home.

I like the way things are beginning to shape up. The doll on the end table is Ann of Green Gables which my older sister brought back from Prince Edward Island for me many years ago.
Of course, the other purpose for the guest bedroom is as my sewing room. Mark brought my sewing table in from the RV to set up in front of the windows.

He also bought me the big ironing board for quilting when we first moved here. The small bookcase holds brochures of things to see and do in Door County as well as some of my quilt books!
Meanwhile, Mark started trying to remove the left over glue from the paneling in our bedroom.
Slowly but surely, we are making this place our own!
Looking good!