St Patrick’s Day activities

Mom took me to her church this morning. The pastor commented on it being St Patrick’s Day and asked if there was anyone who didn’t have green on. He had a green leprechaun hat, the green and white hat band which he took off the hat, and a green scarf to give out, but after that, he said anyone else without green was on their own!

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Almost time to go

The last few days Rose has allowed me to work half days so that I could spend time getting my house in order.  Today Mark took off for half a day as well and we drove over to Jerry’s shop so that Mark could change the oil and the oil filter on the RV.  It was a complicated matter of unhooking everything, pulling in the slides, and then hooking everything back up and putting the slides out again.  We invited Miss Rose over to see our place all clean and ready tonight. Continue reading