Church #9

You may find this hard to believe, but of all the churches I’ve visited or attended in my life, I’ve never been to a Lutheran church.  Since my daughter-in-law is Lutheran, I put a Lutheran church in Saratoga on my list of churches I wanted to visit, and today was the day I scheduled for visiting. Continue reading

Church #8

I wasn’t in the mood for an “O Happy Day!  Praise the Lord!” kind of church today, so it was Provident that I had scheduled to go visit St. Nicholas Orthodox Church this morning.  I have visited many churches in my day, and even a couple synagogues, but I have never been to an Orthodox church before.  I had decided to visit this one today Continue reading

New book news!

Imagine watching your spouse go from perfect health to total dependence on you for everything.  That’s what happened to Delores Warner.  Her husband, who had always been in control, was diagnosed with ALS, and he made her promise she wouldn’t put him in a nursing home.  She not only took care of him, but also of their small farm with Continue reading