
Nothing particularly interesting has been happening for a while, but this week I have a quick report to make. My boss and her daughter who is one of our receptionists have Covid, so both of them are out for the week. Another of our receptionists is out sick, I’m not sure if it’s with Covid or not, but she’s been out since last Saturday. A third receptionist is having surgery this Thursday and is staying home so as not to get sick before then. The fourth receptionist is in college and covered for the weekend last weekend, but can’t come in during the week. One of our tax advisors covered the front desk today and will be covering it again tomorrow. So I have been going in from 10:00 in the morning until 7:00 or 8:00 the last couple of days, and yesterday was supposed to be one of my weekend days. Besides my usual work, I am also helping with the phones and covering the desk in the evening when the other receptionist goes home. Please pray for health in our office!