How WWI and the Influenza Pandemic Changed Victorian Mourning Practices

The Noble House, where I work as a docent, puts out a bi-annual newsletter, and my boss has asked me to write articles along the theme of whatever our display is each year. We are doing A House in Mourning: Victorian Funerals this year, so last spring, she asked me to write an article about Lincoln, the Civil War, and embalming. This fall, she asked me what I would like to write about, and I suggested the topic of how WWI and the Influenza outbreak affected Victorian mourning practices. I see parallels between then and now.

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Ear infection

I think I mentioned yesterday that I’ve been dealing with plugged ears and dizziness this week. I finally got in to see a doctor today and she said that I have an ear infection and may be coming down with a sinus infection as well. She gave me some medication for it. She says that weird things like this have been happening to people who have Covid. Please pray for me if you are of that persuasion!