Get ready…

Well, we had aimed for getting out of here tomorrow, but it ain’t happening.  Besides the fact that we still have a lot to do to get ready, Mark can’t find the keys to the RV ignition, so he had to call a locksmith.  The locksmith is down in Green Bay and won’t be able to come up until tomorrow.

Today, Mark was putting up a new screen door on our house because the one that came with the house broke in one of our storms.  He needed a drill bit, and we needed groceries, so we did some running around together.  I think it’s the first time we’ve gone farther than downtown Ellison Bay together for ages.  I brought the camera along since my hands would be free, and Mark humored me by stopping every time I asked him to.

I actually took this one several days ago when there were still a lot of leaves on the trees. This is from the overlook at Ellison Bay.

This was in Sister Bay this afternoon. Most of the boats that have been moored all summer are gone.

A country lane

The Moravian Church in Sister Bay

I like the S curve of this field

Greens and golds

I have been intrigued with the pile of wood in this field most of the summer. Don’t ask me why.

Another country lane

Cousin’s Walk… I made friends this summer with the artist who sells her work in this log cabin.

This is the driveway between us and the rental house next door. Our back driveway veers off to the right.

Across the street from our house

I have to tell you what God did for me today!  We have two vacuum cleaners, neither of which work.  Mark had gotten some parts for one of them earlier this week, but it still wouldn’t work.  Our floors have been looking abysmal.  Today, I finally broke down and called a neighbor to see if I could borrow her vacuum cleaner, and she told me she had an extra vacuum cleaner that her brother-in-law had bought and only used for four months.  She said I could have it.  I brought it home and tried it and it works.  What a blessing!

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