Last night before Mark and I went to bed we noticed that our electricity wasn’t working. This morning Mark fired up the generator. He tried checking our fuse box and everything, but couldn’t find what the problem was. I went out to feed the pigs and saw Karl already in the barn. When he found out we didn’t have electricity he went to look at our situation with Mark and discovered that the problem was in the electricity coming from the cabin where we’re hooked up.
Karl thought he had a more heavy duty power cord we could plug into, but the cord was in a barn down the road. Nancy wanted our help in that barn anyway. It was full of boxes that held the belongings of a friend of theirs. That was an interesting story.
This friend and her husband went to Uruguay, supposedly to look for a place to retire in a few years. She had only packed a suitcase. When they got there, her husband told her they weren’t going back to the US. He had a young business partner in the states and her husband had plans to expand his company to Uruguay. The business partner packed all their household goods and put them in a storage unit in his name. Then he wrote to all their customers and told them not to go to the senior partner. He stopped sending them money, and then he got into some of their belongings and stole the more valuable things. The couple in Uruguay were reduced to poverty and within a short time the husband died. Karl and Nancy finally managed to get access to the storage unit where their stuff was being stored and brought it to their own barn.
Nancy had a couple young women take an inventory of everything in the boxes and she sent the list to her friend. Her friend looked through the list and sent a list back of the few things out of each box she’d like to have sent to her. (She’s remarried now but still in Uruguay.)
So today Nancy and Mark and I went through all those boxes looking for the specific items Nancy’s friend wants. There were over a hundred boxes but we finished going through all of them in one day. Plus, Mark and I finished planting the cauliflower and garlic I started yesterday. I thought I was done and was putting things away when I discovered a flat of cabbage plants to be planted. I didn’t get all the way through but I should be able to finish tomorrow. I feel good about everything we accomplished today!