This morning we touched three states before noon. If only we’d been going in the right direction! We wanted to avoid taking the toll road that runs across Pennsylvania, so I thought I programmed our first stop in Morgantown, WV. What I actually clicked on was Morgantown, KY. There ought to be a law that states can’t use the same names for their towns! We figured out our mistake when we hit Ohio again and we turned around, but by the time we got back to our starting point in Washington, PA, it was already 12:30 pm.
We have crossed three mountain ranges on this trip so far: the Ozarks, the Appalachians, and now the Allegheny Mountains. Today was the first time I felt pressure in my ears, so the Allegheny’s really are mountains.
We sat in silence most of the time while Mark was focused on driving and I was focused on the scenery. Then I remembered we’d gotten a double-CD of gospel songs in the gift shop at the Grand Ole Opry. We put it in and sang along.
We stopped a couple times. We gassed up at a truck stop where I went in and got us a new, 2016 road atlas. I was tired of pages falling out of our 2014 atlas, but I have been putting off getting a new one because I feel obligated to remark all the roads we’ve taken so far.
The other stop was at a rest area in the Allegheny’s. It had a great view:

There was a plaque telling about the Gettysburg campaign and saying we could get a map of the campaign trail and retreat. It was enticing, but we couldn’t find any place that had the map. 🙁
It was again dark as we drove through narrow roads to our campground, and this being Halloween, Mark was being extra cautious. On the main roads to Bowmansville, we didn’t see any children, but when we got to the campground, they were having a haunted house and hay wagon ride for the children. We had to wait at the gate for someone to come and lead us the back way through the campground. Even though it was dark, what we could see of the campground looked pretty nice.
The best part of the day was being able to open up both slideouts and set things up to be more liveable. We’ll be here till Tuesday morning.