I have been having trouble with my sewing machine, which is a bad thing when there is another Vintage Market coming up that I’m supposed to be in. On Thursday, Mark took my machine down to a fabric and sewing machine shop in Green Bay called Ana’s Sewing Studio. I had sent along a couple of samples of the problems I was having and they are going to fix it, but the woman Mark talked with said that my machine isn’t powerful enough to do what I want it to, so she showed Mark another machine and sent a flyer home for me to look at.
Today, I skipped church to go with Mark down to this shop and look at the machine. I took several bolts of fabric down to see if I could maybe barter for part of the cost of the machine. The owner wasn’t in, so the woman said she’ll have her call me tomorrow about a trade, and I said that if it works out, Mark can pick up the new machine when he goes in to pick up my repaired machine.
After that, we went out to lunch and then headed back home. I asked Mark if we could go a different way home, so we took Highway 54 from Green Bay to Lake Michigan and a town called Algoma.
Even from the gas station, we could see the lake across the road from us. The beach was narrower than any beaches in Oregon, but it still reminded me a little of home. Mark then took me to a marina in Algoma.
Can’t you just picture yourself in a campground between the beach on one side and a marina on the other? And on that side of the peninsula, you get to watch the sun come up if you are an early riser (which I’m not).
Besides riding beside the lake for a while, we rode through woods and farmland. It was a beautiful drive!