My last post was about Ashton applying for a job in Fish Creek. A whole series of events have happened since then.
Ashton didn’t get the job. I was actually glad about that. Ashton and I have been having a really rocky relationship most of the summer and I was dreading driving half an hour to and from work with her several times a week.
Ashton had talked her boss at the hotel into hiring her cousin and then twisted our arm to try to get us to pick her cousin up and let her stay in the RV with her. I called her cousin’s mother last Sunday for a reference and got a report that was so bad, we decided not to pick her cousin up or let her anywhere near our property. Ashton was upset about that and said she wanted to go home.
This morning, Mark took Ashton down to Green Bay to meet her mother who was going to take her home. I got home from work this afternoon and realized how much energy I had. I have been exhausted for the last two months. I had so much energy that I went into the RV, opened all the curtains and some of the windows, and cleaned. I may tackle some yard work after work tomorrow. This is my peaceful sanctuary once again!