One or two of you have mentioned that you’ve missed me writing this month. We’ve been trying to get Ashton through the Freshman year of high school. Ashton was way behind when we first picked Ashton up, but we pushed Ashton to catch up and Friday was the last day to turn assignments in. We’re just waiting to see the report card now, but we know that Ashton will be passing almost all of the classes, hopefully with a good margin.
We had planned to celebrate the end of the school year with Ashton, but Friday night, Ashton started feeling congested and sneezing. By Saturday morning, Ashton woke up with a terrible sore throat, a lot of congestion, and a headache. Mom will be proud to know that I tried some natural remedies first because Ashton has a heart condition and kidney disease and has to watch that any medications won’t exacerbate those problems. But when natural remedies didn’t seem to be helping, I took Ashton to Urgent Care.
Ashton’s mother was called for permission to test for strep throat and Covid and denied permission. Fortunately, it was easy for the doctor to see that Ashton also has an ear infection, so the doctor was able to prescribe amoxicillin for the ear infection, and if Ashton has strep throat, the antibiotic should help with that as well. The doctor said that if Ashton starts feeling worse, that would be a sign that Ashton has Covid.
We had been planning to take Ashton to a special restaurant that Ashton’s been wanting to go to for a couple of years, but that will have to be put off. The good news is that although Ashton’s throat is still sore and Ashton’s nose keeps running, the amoxicillin seems to be helping to some extent, so hopefully, it’s not Covid.
Ashton will be starting to work full time now that school is over, but as soon as Ashton feels up to it, we hope to do some fun things too.
In the meantime, I have started working again one day a week at the Door County North Welcome Center here in Ellison Bay. For Memorial Day, Mark is going on an all-day motorcycle ride for veterans and Ashton volunteered to work on Memorial Day, so I volunteered to work at the Welcome Center tomorrow as an extra day. I hope you all have a very relaxing Memorial Day. Think of Mark and other veterans who are finding their own ways of commemorating the day.