I slept in until after 10:00 this morning. Mark had to come in and wake me up. He said I slept through a doozy of a storm last night with lightning that lit up the whole bedroom and crashing thunder. I didn’t hear a thing. When we go west, we gain two hours, but when we go east, we lose two hours. Add that to the late nights I’ve been keeping, and you can understand why I was so tired yesterday and last night.
We finally left Kearney around noon. This is the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument…as seen through the rain. 🙁This is the first time I’ve seen a highway sign like this!This was the Missouri River, just before we crossed……into Iowa.
It was so rainy today that I only took thirty-four pictures. I don’t have much to show for crossing halfway through Nebraska today.
Mark was watching the odometer closely. Near exit 60 on Highway 80, about an hour east of the border of Iowa, the odometer turned to 70,000 miles. When we bought our RV, it had 25,000 miles on it!
Very rarely do we ever come across a smiley face water tower. Rolling hillsI’ve seen water towers and silos with town names on them, but this is the first time I’ve seen a modern windmill with a town name on it. This happened to be in Stuart, IA.Dobby laid in my lap for a few minutes. I don’t know if you can tell in this picture how thin he is. We can feel every bone in his spine. He’s fifteen years old and he is hyperthyroid and has the start of kidney disease, but he still hangs in there. I have an appointment for him in a couple of weeks with his vet to get some bloodwork drawn and see how he’s doing.
We had pulled over in Shelby to see if we could find any place to camp near Des Moines, which was as far as we thought we could get tonight, but every place we called wanted to charge $60-$70 for the night. I had the presence of mind to look at Marshalltown as a possibility.
Marshalltown is halfway between Des Moines and Cedar Rapids on Highway 30, north of Highway 80 where we had been traveling. We found a campground in Marshalltown that only charged us $28 for the night.Here we are at Shady Oaks RV Park. (Can you see the little step stool Mark bought so that I don’t need a boost into the RV?) This park is in a beautiful country setting and the people we met seemed quite friendly.There are several rescue cats that wander around the park greeting people. This one was fine with me until she saw Mark bring Tucson out.Mark and Tucson on a walk
I have a praise from today… A couple of times during the heavy rain, the pickup truck behind us started to fishtail and Mark momentarily lost control of the RV, but God’s hand of protection and Mark’s quick action saved us from jack-knifing. Hopefully, tomorrow will be less wet.