This being Sunday, Mark and I listened to hymns most of the day rather than reading a book. The traffic was light and the trip was pleasant.

There was a hangar we would have liked to get a closer look at that was right next to our campground in Bowling Green, KY, but we had to just admire the planes from our RV as we rode by.
A short way down the road we stopped at a Love’s truck stop to get gas and I saw something I had to take pictures of:
Northern Kentucky was beautiful. We went through rolling green hills. I would have loved to get pictures of what appeared to be dogwood trees in bloom, but they rushed by so fast they would have been a blur.

We finally crossed into Indiana, the third of the five states we had yet to sleep in when we started this trip.
We got to our campsite early, which gave Mark a chance to go get groceries and stuff and me a chance to make the rest of the reservations from here (Greenfield is just east of Indianapolis). We plan to stay in this area through tomorrow night and maybe do some sightseeing tomorrow. When Mark got back I looked up from what I was doing and saw a glorious sunset:
Hope you are okay, Denise! Looking forward to seeing you!