Today wasn’t the best day for taking pictures. We were so eager to get back to the US that we made very few stops, so mostly I just hung the camera out the window and shot at random. The weather was pretty dismal too. I had so hoped that we would get into some of that sunshine and heat we’ve been hearing about all summer down here.
We left Quesnel this morning after trying again to reach our claims agent about our broken window. She still wasn’t in. We were tired from the get-go and the other drivers were really bugging Mark. To make matters worse, at one point we heard a sharp “knock, knock, knock” while we were speeding along the highway and couldn’t figure out what it was until two cracks in the passenger windshield began growing downward. Apparently a rock hit the top of the windshield and then bounced on the roof a couple times before falling off. So now we need to make another insurance claim. 🙁
The things that mainly seemed to attract my attention today were old cabins, bodies of water, tunnels (of which there were a number today), autumn grasses, and cloudy mountains. I took one touristy picture of Hell’s Gate Airtram as we sped by.
I felt pretty uninspired until we got to the border. I wanted to get out and kiss the ground. The man in the customs booth asked where we had come from and where we were going, and when he said, “Welcome home!” Mark and I chortled in our joy! I started taking pictures of Lynden as we entered it. For those of you new to my blog, Lynden, WA is our homebase and we plan to spend the next couple nights here resting up, running errands and visiting with family. After we got set up in an RV park near Wiser Lake, we went to my aunt’s house where she had dinner for us and my mom and stepfather had come up to visit while we’re here so it was a veritable family reunion. It is so good to be back in the good old US of A!