This afternoon my mother had an ice cream social for the whole family. It was partly for my brother-in-law’s birthday, and partly as a farewell party for Mark and me since we don’t know when we’ll be back again. It being President’s Day, my nephew, Nate, and his parents didn’t have school. It was wonderful to have all my family together, laughing and catching up with each other. Here’s a picture:
Hi Denise, I ran across a old e-mail from you and found a link to your web site. It was good to see what you guys have been doing as i haven’t been able to work the ” linked in” site. so if I read everything right you guys are heading to colorado. i haven’t read them all yet, so hope to get caught up soon. I saw the picture of the family at your moms ice cream social. everyone looks good.
everything pretty much is the same with us, same o’l same o’l.
our frigerator went out on us. so I’ll have to deal with that. excitng huh.
well you guys take care, I’ll try to keep more “linked in” Deb