Today an issue came up that I haven’t addressed before…What format do I need from my clients? My current client has been having difficulty opening the corrections I’ve been sending back, and we just discovered that it’s because she has Microsoft Works and I have Microsoft Office Word 2007. I have the capability of formatting my documents in older versions of Word, but that still doesn’t cross over to Works. I am making the corrections in Word and then reformatting them to PDFs so she can open them.
I am willing to do whatever is necessary to accomodate my clients, to the best of my ability. I’m pretty tech savvy, but I wouldn’t call myself an expert with all aspects of the computer. My son, Jamey Sharp, is the computer expert. Someone else asked a question today about problems with opening my web site, and I referred her to Jamey.
If you have special requirements that involve things out of the technical norm, I will do my best to get the information I need in order to help from this end, but hopefully you will have someone at your end who can help you too. My current client has a wonderful friend who is able to help her and is willing to call me and try to work out any technical difficulties. Here’s a quick shout out to the other Denise who is making life easier for her friend and for me!
Denise, this is a great topic. while you may be willing to bend over backwards, many editors in publishing are not — they simply don’t have the time. If the writer can’t afford MS Word, they might want to look into Scrivener. It’s $45.00, and was developed by and for writers. One can save a document with a variety of suffixes, and can even use it to upload to the web. Check it out:
Thanks for the info, Lenora! I’ll pass it on!
Thank you, for bringing this to my attention Denise, and Lenora. I’ll check into this. I appreciate all the help I can get, and I’m feeling very blessed with what I’m getting. Thanks again, Delores
Good Evening Denise:
Delores Warner is my very special closest friend. Thanks for helping her so much with her book. She deserves only the best and it sounds like she found that in you.
The reason I am writing is your son’s last name is SHARP. My father’s mother was a Sharp. Since I enjoy genealogy I was curious about that name and wondered if there might be some connection.
Enjoyed your new website and want to wish you lots of future good luck and happiness.
Jamey’s father, grandfather, and I believe his great-grandfather on the Sharp side all came from Illinois. If you want to e-mail me, I could go into a little more specifics, but since it’s not my line of ancestors, I might not have all the information you’d like. If it turns out you are related, I might be able to put you in touch with someone who knows more of that branch of Sharps.
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