I got another roll of batting yesterday and Mark and I realized that I am going to need the whole craft room for my office. I had hoped we could be creative in there together, but I’m bursting at the seams with all the kits I’ve been making in the last couple of weeks. But I found a space for Mark to move to…

When I say “we moved the furniture” you should read it as “he moved the furniture! I thought I was helping when I pushed, but when he stopped pulling, the furniture didn’t budge!

He was also using the closet, but by taking the bottom shelf out of the closet, I was able to hang the biggest roll of batting over my cutting table. The smaller roll of batting is standing up next to the cutting table. It was bigger before I made kits with it! I also now have some room for putting finished kits under the cutting table and bins of boxes are in the closet too.

Speaking of my quilt guild, we had our first-ever Zoom meeting this morning. We haven’t been able to meet for months and they finally decided to meet by Zoom. I had hoped to put a plug in for my business today, but they had a lot of guild business to discuss. Next time, they promised to have a longer Zoom meeting so that we could have show-and-tell!
After Mark and I rearranged the furniture this evening, we heard a light knock on the door. In walked Merih and Kader and two of their friends from Turkey.

Lara and Cha are from a different part of Turkey and they are both studying Economics. They said that in Turkey, a degree in economics will get you a job as a cashier. It’s nothing important there. We also had an interesting discussion about the Turkish government. They said that it has become a dictatorship. They would all (with the possible exception of Kader) like to stay in the US for a few years and study English and then finish their degrees here. They said that by and large, the young people of Turkey are opposed to the current leader, but being in opposition means they could be thrown in jail. They said that the older generations have been brainwashed to like the government as it stands, but the press is not free to say what’s really going on. This is the first discussion I’ve had with any of the students about their government. I learn something new every time I talk with them!