Most of my readers know that I am a Christian from a Christian family, but there are many different beliefs among Christians. It may not surprise you to know that my sister, Sherill, believes in miracles since she was miraculously healed the first time she got multiple myeloma and was in remission for five years.
A couple of days ago, a friend brought over a man who has the gift of prophecy. His name is Glenn and he anointed her with oil. Those of us who were here laid hands on Sherill and prayed for her. Glenn brought hope to Sherill and she has been speaking healing over herself for about a day now. Today, she came with me to run a bunch of errands and at one point she even went into a store by herself without her walker. It was wonderful to see her so happy and able!
When we got home, she called the office of the doctor who did her surgery when she broke her leg a week and a half ago. She has an appointment to go to his office on Monday and get the staples and sutures taken out of her leg. She wanted to ask if they will be letting her go without the brace afterwards and she mentioned that she has been walking around with no problems. Her surgeon was horrified and said she is not to put any weight on her leg.
This has thrown her into some confusion. I was feeling very uncomfortable about flying home next Monday without knowing what happens at her appointment and she also was grieving my upcoming departure. I called Mark and told him what is going on and he gave his blessing for me to stay a little longer.
The next hurdle was to find out if I could change my plane ticket. I was hoping to be able to stay till next Wednesday, but the recording I listened to when I called the airline indicated it might cost another $200 to change my flight. While I was waiting to talk with a human, I told Sherill what I had heard and she started praying that God would help me get a flight change for $25 or free if possible.
This is where God’s hand in this trip became abundantly clear. The person I spoke with on the phone said that if I leave on Wednesday, it will cost $215. But then he said, “I see from your record that you were on a flight that was cancelled and had to be rebooked on your way to Portland. If you fly back on Tuesday, the trip won’t cost you anything extra.” So when I was being frustrated about my flight being cancelled and having to spend the night in the airport last week, God was making it possible for me to stay here an extra day so that I can be here for Sherill after she sees the doctor on Monday. God is good!
For those of you who pray, please keep Sherill and her husband, Fred, in your prayers. Sherill is hoping that at her appointment on Monday, the doctor will take an xray and see a vast improvement in her leg. She needs to be able to drive when I leave because Fred’s license was taken away due to his age. Sherill needs to be able to do everything by herself when I leave. She needs that healing and hope she has been claiming for the last twenty four hours.
Wow, wow, and wow! -Sue