I am inviting everyone I know in Door County to a dedication of our house on Memorial Day. We still haven’t been able to move into our bedroom yet, but I’m determined we will be in our bedroom before the dedication.
Today after church, we got some supplies for something I just learned about online called “skim coating”. When we pulled the paneling off our bedroom walls, we discovered that the wallboard underneath is a kind that is pock-marked with little holes across the whole surface, so simply taping and mudding isn’t going to be an option for us. With skim coating, we will be rolling the mud on with a paint roller and then smoothing it out before we can paint the walls. However, for today, we started with the regular mudding of the tape and nail holes. This is what it looks like so far:
We now have to let this dry for at least twelve hours. I’ll keep you posted on our progress.
Mark has been dying to get out in the yard and do some more pruning. The trees in the back are so crowded that some of the branches are dead, so when we finished the mudding, Mark went out to tackle the near back yard (as opposed to the farther meadow).
Good reports, keep it up. Glad you’re both healthy & happy.
Love you Kids!.