Things have been a bit of a whirlwind this last few days, as you might suspect, so I have some leftover stories to tell…
I had mentioned a week or so ago that we got some plants and planted a small garden. I had planned to leave the tomato plant we bought in the plastic pot it was in when we bought it…
But in talking with my mother who is an avid gardener, she said that it wouldn’t grow well in a plastic pot and that we needed to find a way to get it into the ground. I gave that some thought and realized the answer was at hand. There are some big rocks around here, so Mark helped me get them and build a rock planter:
There’s also a story to tell from yesterday. I’ve been doing some research into Rowleys Bay since we’ve been here, and I heard that Rowleys Bay Resort is one of the places where they have a traditional fish boil. I believe Door County is the only place where they do a fish boil. Rowleys Bay resort also includes a story teller who tells the history of Rowleys Bay from the point of Peter Rowley, one of the first white settlers here.
I had been wanting to see a fish boil for myself, and since John and Francine were staying at Rowleys Bay Resort, we asked if they’d like to go with us. In between parts of the story, the story teller would stop and have the chef show us what was going to go into the big kettle outside the window:
When the pot was boiling and the fish was just about ready, we all went outside to watch the final stage of the process. The story teller rang the historic old school bell:
Then the chef had everyone clear the area and he threw kerosene on the fire. I think the heat or the smoke made my pictures come out blurry: