This morning I had my annual physical in San Antonio, so since we were in town anyway we decided to see the first sights on my list of things to do.
We started with the Alamo. Mark had been there before but I hadn’t. The grounds were like a beautiful park. Inside were displays of weapons from the famous battle but we weren’t allowed to take pictures. It didn’t really sink in to me what it would have been like to be there until a docent told a group of us that the room we were standing in, which had stone walls and no windows, was where some of the women hid for safety. I’m sure they could have heard the sounds of the battle, and maybe they could even tell when the tides turned.
Later we went into a small theater to watch a short film about the Alamo, but before the film started the man in charge of the movie told us that the room we were sitting in was where the Spanish turned the Alamo’s own cannons and shot through to where some of the men had taken refuge to carry on the battle. They were all killed. We saw a large wooden door that still showed the bullet holes.
When we finished with the Alamo we crossed the street to the visitor’s center. I picked up some brochures about other places I wanted to see, and when we came out we found steps leading down to the River Walk. This was one place Mark had never been. One of the first shops we went into was a turquoise store and Mark bought me a beautiful necklace. (He’s so good to me!) We walked along the river walk until we started to get hungry, and then we ate at a Mexican restaurant that had jeweled glass tables. The people at the table behind me got up and left and suddenly their left-over food became the target of a group of pigeons. A waiter came and shooed them all off.
The day was bright and warm, probably in the 80’s, and I enjoyed all the colors and lights. I had a lot of fun with reflections! It was after dark by the time we left the river and headed back to our truck. It’s been a wonderful day!
Love all these photos sister! Love your smile so much! Tell Mark hello for me 🙂
He says “Hi” back!