This weekend begins the five weeks of the Trail of Terror that mark our last five weeks in Oklahoma. Last night all the Workampers walked through the trail to see what it will look like in the dark. Mark and I were instructed on what to do in the upside down room to which we’ve been assigned.
In the meantime, Mark and I have stepped up our search for work beyond the Amazon job. Mark has sent our resume out to a number of places. We’ve been contacted by a Legacy park in North Carolina, but we’re thinking we won’t be able to make it that far financially after spending a month in Washington taking care of business. Mark has sent our resume to places in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. It’s supposed to be Mark’s turn to choose his dream job, and I have encouraged him to apply for a job with NASCAR, but we realize that’s a long shot, too. We’ll keep you posted on what comes of all this.
The last couple weeks we’ve had three day weekends and we finally feel like we’re catching up on our rest. Our pay checks were smaller today, but after the summer we’ve had, it’s nice to have the time off. Especially since on Saturdays we’ll be working from 9:00am to 10:00 or 11:00pm. We’ve saved up enough money to get us to Nevada, and maybe even a little beyond. I’m beginning to make reservations at campgrounds along our route. We’re counting the weeks (five) till we hit the road again!